15-Day Reboot for Men




  • Ingredients

    beet, romaine lettuce, orange, cucumber, ginger

  • Storage instructions

    Defrost in the fridge 12-24 hrs b4 use.Use within 48 hrs of defrosting

  • Content weight

    500 ml

  • Allergen information

    made in a facility that has nuts, & seeds. Use b4 used by dates

Our 15 day guided reboot is the gold standard in terms of cleanses! It is a chance for you to have an overhaul in your health & healing! The reboot is based on the teachings of Joe Cross (who made the documentary ‘’Fat sick and nearly dead’’). This programme was designed by him and has been added to & upgraded to meet the needs of the jewish community.

Days 1-5

The first 5 days of the Reboot are transitioning your body to get ready for a cleanse. Gradually going off sugar, flour, coffee and more processed foods allow the body to gain the most benefit from doing the juice only part of the Reboot. These days are full of plant based foods, juices and smoothies. All recipes and meal plans are included.

Days 6-10

The second five days of the Reboot is the juice only part of the cleanse. 4 juices a day for women and 4-6 for men. Some fat in the day like a quarter of an avocado or some olive oil in a juice is essential for the absorbtion of vitamins. We also recommend a vegan bone broth that you can drink as much as you like during the cleanse.

Days 11-15

The last five days are transitioning the body back to food, adding different foods daily.The programme acts as an elimination diet and you are free to choose what you would like to bring back to your daily food plan. Learn new ways of eating ,healthier recipes and a food plan.

You will receive the full audio visual programme, recipes and meal plans as well as 42 juices. Enjoy a  new you today!

Please specify in the payment area which juices you would like and any conditions you are dealing with. We generally reccomend half green juices and half carrot beet varieties. Otherwise we will pack you suggested juices. Feel free to be in touch with any questions through email info@mitzchai.com or whats app/phone-0584294465